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Inclusive Entrepreneurship Cluster Final Report 17'



The purpose of the cluster was to endeavor to move systems of race, gender, class,

and power in Winston-Salem as they related to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the

creation of abundance for all communities. The project sought to engage an active

cross-section of community leaders and business owners to devise interventions to

support new and potential business ventures helmed by racial minorities, women, and

those located in low-income commercial neighborhoods. We accomplished this through

creative and data-driven storytelling that built new trusts within the community. The only

mission driven shift was the removal of ‘creatives’ as a target group (During a

conversation with a leader of a local organization that serves creative entrepreneurs, we

were assured that the creative entrepreneurial community is currently well-served by the

existing organization and its resources and is not, in fact, underserved. The category of

‘women’ was added in its stead). All of this lead to the culmination of HUSTLE Winston-

Salem, an inclusive social movement focused on “us”- underserved entrepreneurs,

service providers, and stakeholders- in the local community.


Activities completed, including how they changed from the original plan

Initial Plan: Early ideas circulated around focusing on one community in Winston-

Salem, on-the-ground information gathering as a way to connect with the community,

and more as outlined below:

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